Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A New Beginning

All is well. i brought in the new year as a happily collared slave with a new Master. MasterIW is fine and we still speak. i will always love Him and will cherish the moments He gave me as my first Owner. i still do miss Him and the connection we had together. It was an extraordinary part of my journey, but we have both moved on.


Anonymous said...

"All is well."
I hope that your pain wil fade even more and things will get even better. You are so strong and brave (well *I* think that you are) and deserve every bit of happiness that's coming your way.


Pixiepie said...

so brave...and nicely said. sometimes moving on is the only way. may you continue to be strong!

elle said...

i'm happy you found someone new, and in turn hope that someday you'll share your journey with us once again.

hugs, elle