Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Piss Cube #2, Weight Check

My Slave,

Tomorrow you will take some of my frozen piss and take the chunk out and put it directly in your mouth, from there you will walk over to your coffee cup and let it whatever is left slide into your coffee, the piss that melts , you are to swallow. Then drink your coffee.Remember while you drink , that it is I that enters into you, that it is I , you belong to!I want to know your weight on Thursday Morning, so make sure you put it on the calender. I love you my slave.


Occasionally, i will post directly some correspondence from Master, verbatim. Well, sometimes, i correct His spelling-- but usually not. Another development in His shaping of me is weight check. This idea may be offensive to some, so let me say in His defense that Master has made it clear that He loves and is totally turned on by me at my current weight. I am the most unsatisified with myself. Master has never seen me "skinny" but i have. Well, not skinny like bony, but skinny with curves. That's me at my best. i do not expect to get back to my weight in my 20's but definitely plan to see a size 7. Sometimes i wish He would take even more control of what i eat but so far He is getting involved only to the point of monitoring my own progress. Perhaps He plans to become more strict if i falter or fail. Anyhow, i believe i have made a decent amount of progress. i show a loss of 3-4 lbs. for the month, so that sounds reasonable, healthy, and safe. although i just ate four cookies. For an incentive, i will begin posting my weight on the blog. That should make me more accountable.


Pixiepie said...

wow of all the things I have ever, ever read.....a woman that is willing to post her weight on her blog- that is true submission!

Good Luck sweetie!

AlphaBeatHer said...

Surely the best form of weight control is making your jaw ache so much that you cannot eat!.

kk said...

oh i hope this does not give my Master ideas. i must without fail send Master my weight via email every Sunday.

He keeps a file of it. He has every one i sent for the last 3 years.

i forgot to send Him one once and was made to weigh in on a pallet scale at work for all to see.

that was the last time i forgot to email it.


kirana said...

i am late to the party (typical) but having one's tongue pierced is a gurantee that you will lose between 15-20 lbs.

What a thought though... to do that and drink your coffee with a bunch of other people who think it's "just" coffee. So twisted it's hot.

i'm sorry though. More later. Don't care if you don't post, just wanted you to see it.
with lots of hugs